Nancy Tislow reviewed the book, “America the Beautiful, Rediscovering What Made This Nation Great,” by Ben Carson, M.D., at the meeting held at her home on Oct. 1.

Beta Sigma Phi Laureate Mu Chapter birthday celebrated

Nancy Tislow hosted the chapter birthday party of Laureate Mu Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi at her home on Tuesday, Oct. 1.

Instead of the traditional birthday cake, the hostess served a tropical ice cream bombe, decorated to resemble a cake, to members, Glenda Atkinson, Gloria Cart, Shirley Griffin, Connie Jaubert, Brenella Joubert, Jane Love, Elsie Rowell and Gloria Stutes. Secret sisters were revealed during the gift exchange, and new secret sisters were chosen.

As her program, Tislow reviewed the book, “America the Beautiful, Rediscovering What Made This Nation Great,” by Ben Carson, M.D. A retired American neurosurgeon, Dr. Carson did pioneering work on the successful separation of cranially conjoined twins. In his book, Dr. Carson attempts to help readers learn from their past in order to chart a better course for their future.

He shares his insights about what is good about America, where the country has gone astray and which fundamental beliefs have guided America from the country’s founding to preeminence among nations. A discussion followed the presentation.

President Elsie Rowell indicated that she had received correspondence from International which included the Beta Sigma Phi scholarship fund, chapter liability insurance and information on member progression. She also announced receipt of a certificate indicating that the chapter had been recognized as a three-star chapter for the 2012-13 year.

As a cultural outing last month, members attended and thoroughly enjoyed the play, “Tuesdays with Morrie,” presented by the Eunice Players’ Theatre. Plans were tentatively made to travel to Lafayette to tour Stuller Manufacturing, a jewelry manufacturing and distribution facility.

Members brought paper towels to be delivered to Miss Helen’s Soup Kitchen.

The November meeting will be held at the home of Gloria Stutes, and members are asked to bring spray bleach for the Soup Kitchen.

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