The October meeting of the Crowley Garden Club was held at the home of Ruth McBride, far left. With her are, from left, program presenter Nancy Broadhurst, first vice president Janis Coignard and co-hostess George Petitjean.


“It means taking responsibility for our choices to protect, cherish and conserve the living earth,” said Nancy Broadhurst


The October meeting of the Crowley Garden Club was held on Tuesday, Oct. 8, at the home of Ruth McBride, with Georgie Petitjean co-hosting the meeting.

Eleven club members were in attendance for the afternoon monthly meeting and social hour.

The business meeting was led by Crowley Garden Club first vice president Janis Coignard in the absence of club president Christie Brammer. 

A floral demonstration of a creative design was presented by Georgie Petitjean. 

The program for the meeting entitled, “Environmental Stewardship,” was presented by Nancy Broadhurst, who serves as chairman of the Garden Club’s Cleanest City Committee. 

Broadhurst explained responsible environmental stewardship as protecting the environment through litter prevention, recycling and conservation.

“It means taking responsibility for our choices to protect, cherish and conserve the living earth,” Broadhurst told the club, adding, “The responsibility for environmental quality and quality of life in a community should be shared by all those whose actions affect the environment.

“An appreciation for our natural world, its beauty and our environmental responsibilities grows from education, enjoyment and engagement. It is important to educate our garden club members and our community, to nurture a sense of environmental stewardship.

“Our goal is to develop a citizenry that is aware of, and concerned about, the total environment of our community and to assist the city with beautification efforts to where all things are clean and green.” 

Broadhurst then announced that the Garden Club’s most recent donation to the city of Crowley – sixteen cast aluminum trash receptacles – will be installed later this month in the downtown area as part of the organization’s on-going commitment to help “Keep Crowley Beautiful.”

After the business meeting, refreshments and social time along with a plant exchange were enjoyed by the membership.

The Crowley Garden Club is a 65-year-old social, gardening and horticultural group dedicated to civic beautification and environmental stewardship.

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