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LION OF THE YEAR: Kevin Pugh, left, was presented the prestigious Lion of the Year award by long-time club member Horace Thibodeaux during the club’s recent installation of officers banquet.
(Acadian-Tribune photo by Steve Bandy)

Lions install officers, recognize members

Steve Bandy
Rayne Acadian-Tribune

Numerous awards and recognitions were presented as members of the Rayne Lions Club gathered Thursday (June 16) to install a new slate of officers.
Held in the Green Room of the Civic Center Complex, the ceremony saw a 15-year club veteran installed as the new president and a relative newcomer honored as Lion of the Year.
Gerard Credeur accepted the gavel from outgoing president Craig Houston.
Credeur acknowledged that he has “a lot of big steps to follow” as he assumes the leadership role in the 77-year-old club, but said that with his years of experience as a Lion and with the assistance and cooperation of the membership, “we’re going to have a good year.”
In presenting the Lion of the Year award, long-time club member Horace Thibodeaux noted, “You don’t have to have been a member for 15 years to earn this.”
He said the annual recognition is being presented to the member who “did the most work” for the club and “put Lionism first in almost everything he did over the last year.”
Kevin Pugh, in accepting the award, said it is the Lions Club’s work with children that first drew him to the organization and has kept him active.
“It’s the children,” he said. “The children have my heart.”
Pugh has been a member of the local service organization for just over two years.
In his outgoing remarks, Houston thanked the club members for all their work during the past year.
“We’ve had out ups and our downs, our agreements and our disagreements over the last year, but we continue to do what we do — serve the community,” Houston said.
In presenting the outgoing president’s plaque, Dana Fontenot, club secretary, said Houston exemplifies the Lions Club motto: “We Serve.”
District Governor Danny Theall, accompanied by his wife, Norma Theall, served as installing officer for the night’s proceedings. But before he administered the oaths of office to the new officers, he installed Rachel Guidry as the newest member of the club.
Guidry was sponsored by Fontenot.
In addition to Credeur as president, other officers installed Thursday night include Luke Beslin, first vice president; Michael Guidry, second vice president; Simon Richard, third vice president; Fontenot, secretary; Roy Credeur Sr., treasurer; Tim Prevost, tail twister; Pugh, Lion tamer; Linda Credeur, one-year director; Troy Kibodeaux, two-year director; John Jude Beslin, three-year director; and Houston, membership director and immediate past president.
Eric White, radio personality at Pure Country 106.7, served as master of ceremonies for the night’s event, introducing visiting royalty — including Shelby Bordes, 2016 Frog Derby Queen; and Micah Guidry, 2016 Frog Jockey Queen — and dignitaries.
White also introduced Mayor Chuck Robichaux, who added his personal thanks to the Lions Club for all the services members provide, calling the club “an asset to the community.”
Other awards presented during the meeting included:
•-Treasurer’s Plaque: to Roy Credeur;
•-Secretary’s Plaque: to Fontenot;
•-Perfect Attendance: to Carol Menard, 49 years; Thibodeaux, 35 years; Rodney Soileaux, 21 years; Roy Credeur, 18 years; Luke Beslin, 15 years; Guidry, eight years; Reinhart Kondert, five years; John Jude Beslin, four years; Houston and Gerard Credeur, three years; Prevost, two years; and Fontenot and Pugh, one year.
Houston also presented personal tokens of appreciation to Menard for his continued service as “Lion Chef,” and to Fontenot and Roy Credeur for their assistance during the past year.
The meal for the night’s installation meeting was a covered dish affair with the meat provided by Fezzo’s Seafood and Steakhouse and the “sides” and desserts provided by Lions Club members.

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