Zaunbrecher Road speed, weight limits considered by Jury

Steve Bandy
Rayne Acadian-Tribune

Crowley - Now that Zaunbrecher Road is no longer a state highway, steps are being take to slow down drivers along the newly paved roadway.
With the completion of improvements to the road by the state Department of Transportation and Development, ownership is transfered to the city of Rayne (for that section within the city limits) and to the parish (from the city limits to U.S. Highway 90).
Acting on a letter from Mayor Chuck Robichaux, the Road and Bridge Committee of the Acadia Parish Police Jury Tuesday night approved a recommendation to the full jury calling for three public hearings in regard to the parish-owned section of the road.
The first will hear public comment on setting a 30 mph speed limit on the road from the city limits to U.S. 90.
The second will seek public comment on further reducing the legal speed limit to 15 mph for a distance of about 300 feet around the sharp curve in the vicinity of the railroad tracks.
The third public hearing will seek comments on setting a 20-ton weight limit on the entire length of Zaunbrecher Road.
In his letter to the jury, Robichaux noted that DOTD has the route currently posted at 55 mph, “which we believe to be inappropriate for its proximity to the city of Rayne and roadway classification.”
Robichaux also noted that the city may reduce the limit to 25 mph on the city’s section of road.
The full jury will consider the committee’s recommendations when it meets in regular session Tuesday, June 14.
In other business Tuesday night, the jury’s Airport Committee heard a request from Jon Martin, representing the Rice Area Model Air Society, to host model airplane shows at LeGros Memorial Airport.
Martin said the specific type of show he has in mind would have “pilots” of model jets taking off and landing on the runway at the Estherwood airport.
“These models are 7 to 8 feet long, weigh between 45 and 50 pounds and can cost up to $25,000,” Martin said. “They don’t fly well off of grass.”
He said such a show would bring in enthusiasts from as far as Kentucky.
The committee is recommending that the jury approve the request

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