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THE POST-SIGNAL / Saja Hoffpauir
Pink Lady Leora Amy shows off some of the stuffed animals for sale in the Acadia General’s gift shop. Because the Pink Ladies staff the shop on a volunteer basis, all of the profits from the shop go back into the hospital.

Pink Ladies hear of new duties

The regular monthly meeting of the Pink Lady board of the Acadia General Hospital was held on Monday, Aug. 4, at 9 a.m. in the hospital’s third-floor conference room.

President Gloria LeBlanc called the meeting to order and introduced Monica Guidry, the volunteer coordinator.

Following the order of business, Evelyn Barousse, chaplain, led the volunteer prayer and pledge and the Pledge of Allegiance. In the absence of the secretary, Roberta Sonnier, the roll was called and the minutes were read by Sylvia Dischler. The financial report was given by Treasurer Nettie Romero.

Mary Briley accepted the responsibility to re-write the calling committee list, as some of the volunteers have asked to be called only for certain functions.

Cephronia Prather asked for help in making the floral arrangements to be sold in the gift shop, and LeBlanc, Briley and Leora Amy offered to assist.

Guidry reported to the board that there will be no changes to the management of the gift shop, but the Pink Ladies may be asked to perform other duties besides working in the shop, serving coffee and delivering trays, flowers and newspapers. These jobs may include shredding papers, filing or helping in other departments.

There will also be new procedures to join the Pink Lady organization. Applications are to be filled out and Guidry will interview the new applicants. Guidry said that hospitals with volunteers are rated higher than those hospitals that do not have them.

There was a discussion about having a Christmas party for all Pink Lady members. Guidry informed the board that Lafayette General has a large Christmas Party held annually at the Heymann Center in Lafayette. All employees and volunteers of Acadia General will be included in the invitation this year.

The next board meeting will be held on Sept. 1 at 9 a.m. in the hospital’s conference room.

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