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CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK PROCLAMATION - During a prayer service Monday morning at St. Joseph Catholic Church by students and staff members of Rayne Catholic Elementary, Mayor Chuck Robichaux presented an official proclamation declaring the week of Dec. 26-30 as Catholic Schools Week. On hand for a presentation to Robichaux from the Student Lighthouse Officers were, from left, Morley Richard, Mayor Chuck Robichaux, RCE Principal Fred Menard and Gracie Menard. (Acadian-Tribune Photo by Lisa Soileaux)

Rayne Catholic observes Catholic Schools Week

Events and programs at Rayne Catholic Elementary began Monday in observance of 2015 National Catholic Schools Week (January 25 - 31).
As announced, the theme for this year’s observance is “Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service.”
The week of activities began Monday morning during a prayer service at St. Joseph Catholic Church when Mayor Chuck Robichaux presented the official proclamation declaring Catholic Schools Week in the City of Rayne.
Rayne Catholic’s week-long schedule of events included:
Monday, Jan. 26 - “Celebrate Our Nation” with the proclamation presented during a 8:15 a.m. prayer service; 9 a.m. performance by Harvey Rabbit for PreK - 4th graders; Joe’s Café for 5th and 6th graders; Sonic Run for 7th and 8th graders.
Tuesday, Jan. 27 - “Celebrate Our Community” with the Supporter of the Year to be announced; Community-Wide Blood Drive between 7:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.; 9 a.m. thank cards delivered; 9:20 a.m. Scavenger Hunt.
Wednesday, Jan. 28 - “Celebrate Our Vocations” with the Godparent Mass to be celebrated at 8:15 a.m. while appreciating our priests and religious; 9:25 a.m. pictures with godparents under the oaks.
Thursday, Jan. 29 - “Celebrate Our Students” by announcing the Students of the Year; 9 a.m. Game Day faculty vs. 8th graders.
Friday, Jan. 30 - “Celebrate Our Teachers” by announcing the Teacher of the Year; 9 a.m. Locks of Love hair donations; 9:30 a.m. letters to parents; 10 a.m. Faith Rally.
Saturday, Jan. 31 - RCE Dinner Dance will be held at the Rayne Civic Center.

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