Crowley Council meets Tuesday

By Howell Dennis

CROWLEY - The Crowley City council met Tuesday night to discuss a variety of issues including the awarding of a contract for the Historic Downtown Parkerson project and the purchase of a batting cage for the girl’s field at the recreation center.

The contract for the Historic Parkerson project was awarded to Merrick Construction for the amount of $422,719.

“I would just like to add that this project is long overdue,” said Mayor Greg Jones in apparent happiness about the project, which would make improvements and renovations to Crowley’s historic downtown area.

“This has been talked about for a long time and it’s great to see it happening.”

The council also approved the addition of a batting cage for the girl’s baseball field at the recreation department providing that it costs up to $25,000.

The council also voted to amend the city of Crowley’s sewer user fees to provide for a decrease in the minimum monthly amount of gallons used for an increase in the monthly fee for wastewater discharge and for an increase in the rate per 1,000 gallons. The council was presented with two proposals - one of which was for $2.75 per 1,000 gallons, the second of which was for $2.85 per 1,000 gallons.

The council approved the $2.85 proposal which included the costs of postage that the $2.75 proposal did not.

In other items brought before the council, concern was expressed over the progress of the construction of the bridge on Hwy. 13 north of Crowley.

Crowley Engineer Tim Mader made note of the occassional absence of the contractor and the possibility that the present date for the job’s completion may not be reachable soon.

“Are you telling me that the class of 2009 will be taking that detour when they graduate?,” Mayor Jones asked with some members of the council also expressing frustration.

Mader said that as of now he didn’t think that the city should officially move back the completion date but that it’s something that the council shoud keep an eye on.

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