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Acadia Players set cast call for ‘Nunsense II’


The Acadia Players Community Theater Group has issued a cast call for women ages 18 and over for parts in the upcoming production of “Nunsense II: The Second Coming.”

Performances are scheduled for Friday, June 13, through Sunday, June 15, at the Grand Opera House of the South in Crowley. 

“Nunsense II: The Second Coming” takes place six weeks after the Sisters of Hoboken have staged their first benefit, which was to raise funds for the 52 sisters accidentally poisoned by their cook, Sister Julia, Child of God.

The variety show the sisters decided to produce turned out to be a wildly successful event.

Now, The sisters are back presenting a “thank-you” show for all the people who supported them in the past. But now, having been “bitten by the theater bug,” they’re a bit slicker.

Things get off to a rousing start as the sisters sing “Nunsense, the Magic Word,” but chaos erupts before long.

Two Franciscans come to claim Sister Mary Amnesia (who has won the Publishers Clearinghouse Sweepstakes) as one of their own.

At the same time, the nuns hear that a talent scout is in the audience to see them strut their stuff. 

From the riotous Bingo game run by Sister Amnesia, to the hilarious duet “What Would Elvis Do,” to the rousing finale “There’s Only One Way to End Your Prayers and That’s to Say Amen,” this show will have you rolling in the aisles.

Five female parts are available, and no prior acting experience is necessary. 

The cast call is scheduled for 6 p.m. on Sunday, Jan. 12, and Monday, Jan. 13, at the Acadia Parish Center for the Arts & Culture, 530 W. Mill St. in Crowley.

Participants should prepare a minimum of 15 bars to sing for audition. Accompaniment will be provided.

A cold read will also be required.

Rehearsal schedules will be given out after the production is cast.

For additional information, contact Logan Frederick at (337) 523-5007 or

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