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Amazing acrobatics to open Carmichael Family Series at opera house

The Acrobats of Cirque-tacular will open the Carmichael Family Series at the Grand Opera House on Sunday, Nov. 16, at 2 p.m.

Sponsored by Ted and Judy Carmichael and Family, this series features great entertainment for adults and children alike.

With the group performing breath-taking and death-defying feats of acrobatic artistry, the audience will be amazed and delighted. Besides acrobats, the cast will include aerialists, contortionists and jugglers.

There is little doubt that audience members will be holding their collective breath in anticipation of the next indescribable feat and sitting on the edges of their seats waiting for the next mind-boggling action. Combining both artistry and athleticism, the troupe will provide a wonderful 75 minutes of entertainment.

Tickets may be purchased at the Grand Opera House, located at 505 N. Parkerson Ave. They may also be purchased by contacting the Grand at (337) 785-0440 or visiting the website 

Ticket prices are $10 for children and $15 for adults.

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