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THE POST-SIGNAL / Saja Hoffpauir
The program at the Attakapas Study Club’s first meeting of the new club year was presented by, from left, Bryan Borill, Judy R. Borill and Amy Lovell of Lamm Home Health and Hospice. Jean Oubre, fourth from left, served as a hostess, while the meeting was held at the home of Barbara Lengefeld, far right, club president. Also serving as a hostess, but not pictured was Shirley Griffin.

Attakapas Study Club hears ‘Aging Independently’ program

The Attakapas Study Club of Crowley held its first meeting of the new club year on Sept. 9 at the home of its president, Barbara Lengefeld.
In addition to Lengefeld, members in attendance included Ella Bertrand, Erma Breaux, Jackie Buescher, Jerrie Fontenot, Bettie Duhon, Shirley Griffin, Bonnie Matirne, Gerry Meche, Jean Oubre, Joanna Pruitt, Liz Regan, Dot Simon, Ethel Thibodeaux and Roy Lynn Trahan.
Lengefeld called the meeting to order and welcomed the program presenters, Bryan Borill, Judy R. Borill and Amy Lovell from Lamm Home Health and Hospice.
After Joanna Pruitt led the Pledge of Allegiance and the club collect, Lengefeld introduced the program for the day, which was entitled “Aging Independently.” Bryan Borill spoke about the many ways that his agency can help people with the problems associated with aging. Judy Borill and Lovell, who are both nurses, spoke about how they evaluate people to help them and their families decide how they can remain in their own homes and live the best lives possible.
Lengefeld thanked the program presenters and gave each of them an Attakapas cookbook as a token of appreciation.
The business meeting was resumed with the secretary, Meche, calling the roll and reading the minutes of the May meeting. The treasurer, Buescher, gave the treasurer’s report and presented the budget for the new year. Lengefeld also expressed appreciation to Buescher for the fine job she did preparing the yearbooks.
Committee reports were given by Jean Oubre and Liz Regan (telephone), Bettie Duhon (membership), Jerrie Fontenot (courtesy) and Roy Lynn Trahan (program).
The business meeting was adjourned and refreshments prepared by hostesses Oubre and Griffin were served.

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