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THE POST-SIGNAL / Saja Hoffpauir
Hostesses for the Attakapas Study Club’s April meeting were, from left, Jackie Buescher, Erma Breaux and Barbara Lengefeld. The meeting was held at Lengefeld’s home in Crowley.

Attakapas Study Club reviews Lee’s ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’


The Attakapas Study Club of Crowley met on Wednesday, April 9, at 2:30 p.m. at the home of Barbara Lengefeld. The meeting was co-hosted by Jackie Buescher and Erma Breaux. 

The president, Roy Lynn Trahan, presided over the business session. Members were thanked for their work in making the 90th anniversary celebration a success and reminded that the May meeting will be a picnic in Lake Arthur at the camp of Joanna Pruitt. Officer installation will take place at that time.

After committee reports were given and old and new business discussed, Buescher led a discussion of the book, “To Kill A Mockingbird,” by Harper Lee, which club members had been asked to read or to re-read. Buescher pointed out interesting facts about the author and about the story, and members talked about their impressions of the book. The members also discussed their own memories of the past as they related to the book.

After the program, Breaux and Buescher served delicious refreshments, all of which were made from recipes from the Attakapas cookbook.

There were 11 members and one guest present for the meeting. Members present were Erma Breaux, Jackie Buescher, Bettie Duhon, Barbara Lengefeld, Bonnie Matirne, Gerry Meche, Jean Oubre, Joanna Pruitt, Liz Regan, Jeri Stevenson, Ethel Thibodeaux and Roy Lynn Trahan. The guest was Norma Nix. 

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