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Final ‘Greetings’ to feature Sweet Crude

Kelbaugh: ‘Definitely on board for next year’

Howell Dennis
Managing Editor
Crowley Post-Signal

Unlike last year, when the weather played such a dominant factor, this year’s Greetings from Levy Park has been a success both musically and financially.
“We’re definitely on board for next year,” said one of the events’ organizers, Keeffer Kelbaugh.
It was along with Amy Thibodeaux and Kyle Gordon that came up with the concept for the event.
This week’s guest, Sweet Crude, is coming to Crowley straight off of a successful gig at Lafayette’s Festival International de Louisiane.
“They have a unique sound,” he said. “I would compare them to a French version of The Givers.”
The Givers are a successful act out of Lafayette who also has a reputation for playing unique a style of music.
Based in New Orleans, Sweet Crude is known for their heavy drum influence.
“I think they have five percussionists,” said Kelbaugh. “We were considering bringing them in for the first year but we thought they may be a little too over the top at the time.
“Now that people know what to expect, we felt comfortable bringing them.”
Sweet Crude will take the Greetings’ stage Friday, April 29.
Kelbaugh also said that they are planning an event later this year at the Grand Opera House in Crowley to help fund next year’s event. Another event – the recent Rice City Pub Crawl – was organized by Chad Monceaux, the owner of Crowley’s City Bar. Over 300 people attended that event. It raised over $3,000 for Crowley’s music series. Monceaux said he will planning another event for later this summer.
As for Greetings from Levy Park and the aforementioned event at the Opera House this fall, it may yet serve as a way of testing the waters for a fall season for Greetings.
Last year, Greetings organizers along with the Opera House brought back one of the more popular bands to play the series during their second season, HoneyHoney, for an October date which was a successful event. It also had further roots into the Greetings series as this year’s first performer, Jill Andrews, played as an opener for the HoneyHoney performance.

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